Tuesday, February 11, 2020

REPRODUCTION Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

REPRODUCTION - Essay Example When a non-life threatening reason is involved, the termination may be equated to murder of the innocent. The mother may believe in serving the greater good by considering the available facts and opt for termination as a right decision at that moment. Even though the decision to terminate may be right, it does not always lead to a good result. However, one’s autonomy may surpass ethical obligations and terminate the pregnancy regardless. Autonomy recognizes an individual’s rights to make his/her own decision regardless of the available options. In addition, morality is considered to be relative to the norms of an individual’s culture (American Nurses Association 3). The right to life is a fundamental human right as it is the crucial step towards enjoying the other rights and benefits. This basic right is recognized internationally accruing from birth, but petitions that seek to protect life before birth have been on the rise. Establishment of legal frameworks that protect life before birth would recognizes that life begins after conception thus; constitutional protection conferred equally to both the pregnant woman and the unborn. The mere fact that the fetus is dependent on its mother for its existence, only illustrates the need to offer protection to the viable fetus and its mother. This entitles the fetus to the right to be protected from all sorts of dangers. To ensure the provision of this security, the mother should be accorded the necessary environment. A fetus is described as an unborn offspring in the postembryonic period from the beginning of the ninth week after conception until birth. This stage marks the beginning of the development of key structural features gearing towards a humane appearance. During this period, the gender of the unborn can be effectively determined. It can thus be said that a fetus is a human being full of life and its developmental stages. The fetus should be considered to bear moral

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